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Napoli vs Lecce Predictions, Tips and Odds

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Napoli vs. Lecce
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  • The Napoli v Lecce soccer match is scheduled for 26th May 2024 at 16:00.
  • Historical statistics favor Napoli, which holds a higher ranking in the Serie A league and has consistently outperformed Lecce in recent meets.
  • In recent performances, Napoli tied with Roma (2-2), but lost to Bologna (0-2). Lecce, on the other hand, tied with Cagliari (1-1), but beat Sassuolo (3-0).

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Final Results

0 - 0
(0 - 0)
Data Napoli Lecce
Possession 65% 35%
Shots 15 4
Cards 0 0
Corners 4 1
Fouls 9 17
Offsides 0 1
xG 1.96 0.4
53%Over 2.5
League Average : 56%
84%Over 1.5
League Average : 78%
League Average : 57%
2.58Goals / Match
League Average : 2.58

Head to Head Record

Napoli Napoli Logo
11 Matches
Lecce Lecce Logo
2 Draws
7 Wins
2 Wins
91% Over 1.5
9 / 11 matches
64%Over 2.5
2 / 11 matches
36%Over 3.5
2 / 11 matches
64% BTTS
9 / 11 matches

Napoli v Lecce Past H2H Results & Fixtures

Sep, 30, 2023 Lecce 0 - 4 Napoli
Apr, 07, 2023 Lecce 1 - 2 Napoli
Aug, 31, 2022 Napoli 1 - 1 Lecce
Feb, 09, 2020 Napoli 2 - 3 Lecce
Sep, 22, 2019 Lecce 1 - 4 Napoli
Apr, 25, 2012 Lecce 0 - 2 Napoli
Dec, 03, 2011 Napoli 4 - 2 Lecce
May, 08, 2011 Lecce 2 - 1 Napoli
Dec, 19, 2010 Napoli 1 - 0 Lecce
May, 10, 2009 Lecce 1 - 1 Napoli
Dec, 13, 2008 Napoli 3 - 0 Lecce

Predictions & Tips

Napoli v Lecce Soccer Match Prediction

Date: 26th May 2024, Time: 16:00

Napoli v Lecce Predictions

Based on the historical statistics of both teams, Napoli seems to have the upper hand over Lecce. Here are some key points:

  • Napoli holds a higher ranking in the Serie A league.
  • Lecce has not registered a win against Napoli in their recent meets.

Head-to-Head Comparison

In their most recent encounters, Napoli has consistently outperformed Lecce, indicating their dominance in this fixture. The head-to-head statistics are a testament to Napoli's superior performance.

Recent Performances

Date Napoli Lecce
May 11, 2024 Napoli 0 - 2 Bologna
Apr 28, 2024 Napoli 2 - 2 Roma
May 5, 2024 Cagliari 1 - 1 Lecce
Apr 21, 2024 Sassuolo 0 - 3 Lecce

Odds and Stats

The market odds and stats indicate a strong inclination towards a Napoli win with an over 0.5, over 1.5, and BTTS probability.

Market Odds Stats
Napoli 4 36%
Lecce 0 0%
Over 0.5 11 100%
Over 1.5 10 91%
Over 2.5 7 64%
Over 3.5 4 36%
Over 4.5 3 27%
BTTS 7 64%

Odds Full Time

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Predictions & Tips

Based on the league averages and historical data from previous matchups, here's what we suggest:

  • Over 1.5 goals in the match
  • Both teams to score

Past H2H Results & Fixtures

Napoli has had a comfortable run against Lecce in the past fixtures. Here are the results of their past meets:

(insert table here)


Seeing Napoli's proven track record against Lecce and their beneficial odds, we predict a clear victory for Napoli. We suggest betting on Napoli's win with over 1.5 goals in the match and both teams to score. Always gamble responsibly!